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Barbara Bowman

“I have been incredibly fortunate to be involved with the Halo House since 2009. Being a Halo House Volunteer has given me the opportunity to meet incredibly dedicated individuals, brave and appreciative patients and families, and amazing professionals who have dedicated their lives to treating and curing cancer. I have first hand knowledge of the need for close, affordable, housing from working at MD Anderson. Working on the Capital Campaign Committee I am astonished at the generosity of Houston foundations, companies and corporations and their willingness to contribute to the building of the Halo House. I am so very proud to be a Halo House volunteer, it gives my retirement focus and meaning. As I have kidded many times, I probably should not have told Kathleen that I retired, she is never short of projects that need to be worked on. Being a volunteer for the Halo House is an honor and a privilege and I look forward to being part of the grand finale.”

– Barbara Bowman


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